The Sir Knights of Mizpah Commandery No. 96 are stationed at the Doylestown Masonic Temple in the heart of Doylestown. We meet 10 months out of the year for fellowship, conducting business, raising funds for charity, and various topics of interest to the membership. It is our mission to assist in many ways and helping through our actions to “feed the hungry, cloth the naked, and bind up to the wounds of the afflicted.” We do this through clothing drives, food drives and donations to our local pantries and churches.
Mizpah Commandery no. 96
55 East State Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Tel: 215-348-7510
Key Stats:
- 60+ members
- Constituted in 1924
- Meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm, with dinner at 6:00 pm (except July and August)
- Membership is open to Royal Arch Masons and the Christian Faith.