All Masonic Activities Suspended

Dear SKs of Pennsylvania:

Due to concerns surrounding the Coronavirus, and out of an abundance of caution to safeguard as many as possible, the Right Worshipful Grand Master has directed any that all Masonic related activities held in lodge buildings be canceled effective immediately and until further notice, and will be in effect at least through April. This, of course, includes all our Commandery functions held in such facilities. This will affect your elections, the installation of Officers, and any scheduled Conferrals of Orders during that time period. Further, in light of the above, I think it prudent to cancel the two scheduled Receptions to be held in my honor in the Southwest and Central Sections.

Grand Encampment has not yet made any announcement about Easter in Alexandria, VA. And, we have not yet made any changes to the arrangements for the Annual Conclave in May, although Grand Encampment has issued an Order allowing such Conclaves to be postponed.

We will do our best to keep you informed of any further developments that may affect you and your Commanderies.

Richard F. Muth, Grand Commander
Grand Commandery ofKnights Templar of Pennsylvania

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